4 editions from Kelley WALKER
4 editions from Kelley WALKER
Our collaboration
Kelley Walker (born 1969) is an American post-conceptual artist. Walker has worked with bricks — first in silkscreen and later through collage — since 2005.
His work privileges ideas over aesthetics or materials: Kelley Walker “paints” using advertising and found cultural imagery, altering them through digital print technology to highlight issues related to American politics and consumerism.
His work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Carnegie Museum of Art and Sammlung Goetz in Munich, and he often collaborates with artist Wade Guyton under the name GuytonWalker.
Through our collaboration with Kelley Walker, 7% of the sales proceeds fund Skateistan’s maintenance costs across all its facilities.

We make a commitment to the social projects we fund: at least 10% of our revenue goes directly to them. Working with our partners, we help empower at-risk youth, build new skateparks and develop education facilities & resource programs. Since 2014, we have generated over $1,500,000 to fund over 40 projects around the world. As a proudly certified B-Corp, we are committed to growing that impact every day.