Concrete Jungle Foundation is an international non-profit organization that uses skateboarding as a tool to stimulate positive personal and community development for underprivileged youth around the world. They coordinate the construction of new skateparks, the provision of skateboarding and safety equipment, and the organization and implementation of locally run programs focused on life-skills and empowerment.
Located on the northern coast of Peru, Trujillo is the third most populous city in the country. The 150m2 skatepark was built in 2017 by Concrete Jungle Foundation, as part of a school which would integrate skateboarding as part of their curriculum in the country.
About Alto Trujillo's Skatepark:
- 235+ students in educational program
- 40% girls
- 20 kids join the dedicated homework program per week
- 10 interns and 5 people employed
- 50 skatepark users per week
Our Commitment to Concrete Jungle Foundation
This project is part of an ongoing and unrestricted funding commitment to Concrete Jungle Foundation. We have sealed a formal 1-year partnership committing to support the Concrete Jungle Foundation with an additional $30,000 for 2021. We have raised $96,000 to date for the organization.