Building Angola’s first skatepark

Concrete Jungle Foundation (CJF) is an international non-profit organization that uses skateboarding as a tool to stimulate positive personal and community development for underprivileged youth around the world. They coordinate the construction of new skateparks, the provision of skateboarding and safety equipment, and the organization and implementation of locally run programs focused on life-skills and empowerment. After three decades of civil war, Angola still suffers from deep-rooted inequality and corruption. Angola is a nation full of young people. Concrete Jungle Foundation built a 750m2 skatepark in the capital Luanda in December 2018, the first and only skatepark in the country, in order to give the young people in Angola a place to play and exercise. About Luanda's Skatepark:
  • 50+ children impacted through Edu-Skate per week
  • 23% girls

Our Commitment to Concrete Jungle Foundation

This project is part of an ongoing and unrestricted funding commitment to Concrete Jungle Foundation. Through this specific campaign we gifted $15,000 to CFJ towards construction of the first and only skatepark in Angola. We have sealed a formal 1-year partnership committing to support the Concrete Jungle Foundation with an additional $30,000 for 2021. We have raised $96,000 to date for the organization.

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