- 230+ kids weekly
- 4 age groups
- 3 staff employed

Creative after-school classes for youth of Favela
Founded by the artist JR, Casa Amarela is a house at the top of a favela in Rio de Janeiro which functions as a community center. Through collaborations with local NGOs and residents of the favela, the space offers art workshops, cultural field trips as well as languages, photography, theatre and sport classes. The house is open every day to the local youth to express their artistic and creative selves.
Casa Amarela acts as a way to tackle social exclusion and empower the community to improve their possibilities and future opportunities and to reduce the marginalization and alienation of the favela residents who are trying to find their way into a highly stigmatized society. Through our support, Casa Amarela has initiated skateboarding classes for the youth of Morro da Providencia.
About Casa Amarela: